It was just lovely to photograph the Baarman family. They’re a new family to me who heard about my mini session this year through the Nextdoor app, which has been great for connecting with my actual neighbors and hearing what’s going on in our neighborhood in Kentwood. It was a lot of fun to spend time with them and create family photography with them!
I feel like the Baarmans are now at the stage in life that I see coming up for me and my family in the next few years. They have a little boy about four years old, with two twins about eighteen months. I don’t know that my wife and I will have twins, but with our son Tucker at eight months old at this point, I can definitely see us having three or four littles of our own under the age of five!
Ken-O-Sha Park is a fun little park in Grand Rapids for family photography. There’s a ton of paved trails that are great for biking or walking, and there’s a whole playground made primarily from trees reclaimed from having fallen over the trails in GR! There’s trunks cut at different heights to climb on, and an elevated platform that you can only get to by climbing the rope course.
The Baarmans were so much to hang out with, especially their kids, and I’m super glad I got the chance to photograph them.