Yelp Grand Rapids Event Photos at Atwater Brewery

It’s been a lot of fun helping the Yelp! Grand Rapids community connect with each other through photos, and a privilege to visit some fantastic local restaurants, like Atwater Brewery in downtown Grand Rapids most recently.

The Place: Atwater Brewery

First of all, they have a cool little private room off to the side, and some of the tables are actually re-purposed old wooden doors! And there was a gaming table (that unfortunately I didn’t get to try!) that looked like you slide pucks to land on the highest point area without your puck falling off. A way cool space:

The People: Yelpers!

I’ve photographed four Yelp events so far, and with many of the same people coming, I’ve had a chance to connect with a few of them (and it helps them be more comfortable with me taking pictures as well!).

Tonight, Katy (the Yelp community ambassador who organizes all the events) lined up a sweet game of musical bingo. Shout-out to Tony Howard for being an excellent host for the game and getting together a great mix of music for people to guess!

The Food & Drink

Of course, the main event for a group of reviewers at a restaurant is the food! Atwater Brewery put together a top-notch spread, including vegan buffalo wings, pretzels, tacos, chips and dip, sandwiches, and my favorite, a pizza buffet!

And most importantly, being a brewery, of course they had excellent beers with some of coolest flights I’ve yet seen!

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